Mint leaves [Pudina] - chopped

Mint leaves [Pudina] - chopped

Product Name Mint leaves [Pudina] - chopped
Weight 50 gm




About the Product
Mint leaves are tender herbs with gentle stems and have a distinct pleasant aroma, pleasing taste, cool after-sensation, and medicinal qualities. They are best used raw or added at the end of cooking in order to maintain their delicate flavor and texture. 
We deliver them finely chopped for your ease and convenience because we value your every minute

Storage and Uses
These finely chopped mint leaves can be refrigerated for up to five days. We deliver these leafy vegetables in hygienic packages which can be directly stored in your refrigerator. 
Use them as a flavoring agent in curries, biryani, and other preparations. It is freshly brewed with tea to make 'Pudina Chai'. A dash of mint can add zest & color to juices & drinks especially lemonades & mocktails. 

Mint is a remedy to manage ailments related to the digestive tract, oral, respiratory, and skin disorders such as acne, insect bites & burns. 
It is found to alleviate migraine pains, minor aches, muscle sprains, and cramps.