Red cabbage [Lal Kobi] - grated

Red cabbage [Lal Kobi] - grated

Product Name Red cabbage [Lal Kobi] - grated
Weight 200 Gm




About the Product
Red cabbages are round and wrapped in purplish red leaf layers with a more peppery and bold flavor compared to green ones. Leaves are coarser as they have less water content.
Storage and Uses
Grated cabbages can be refrigerated for up to five days. Shredded cabbage can be directly added to any salad and sandwiches. Cabbages are most nutritious when eaten raw. 
Anthocyanin, present in red cabbages acts as a digestive aid and is rich in antioxidants. It reduces the risk of osteoporosis by maintain bone health and also has anti-aging properties