Potato [Batata]

Potato [Batata]

Product Name Potato [Batata]
Weight 500 gm




About the Product

Fresh Potatoes are nutrient-dense, non-fattening, and have a reasonable amount of calories. Include them in your regular meals so that the body receives a good supply of carbohydrates, dietary fibers, and essential minerals such as copper, magnesium, and iron. In India, potatoes are probably used for the curry.

Nutritional Facts
Apart from containing useful minerals such as potassium, iron, copper, and magnesium, potatoes are also full of phytochemical antioxidants such as flavonoids, Vitamin B, and folate.


Potatoes should be included in the diet of those having mouth ulcers. As they are easy to digest, they are good for patients. Consumption of potatoes helps to maintain the blood glucose level and keeps the brain alert and active. People who are diagnosed with kidney stones or heart disorders can include potatoes in their diet as they are light on the stomach.